Thursday, January 21, 2021

River mouth

I didn’t want to drive far today. Since it was windy, I knew it would be a good day for surfers. This is the place for experts! I am amazed to see people battling these huge waves, falling off their boards and returning to do it again and again. I wouldn’t survive for a minute! I shot a few videos and put them on my Instagram.


The sandbar now stretches across the river mouth, so Cape to Cape walkers can now cross safely:

After an hour or so watching the intrepid surfers, it was time to go  into town for a bit of retail therapy. The town centre has been completely “beautified” and cars are being directed away from the main street. When I first came here after I arrived in Australia, I thought it was a bit of a one-horse town. I couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about Margaret River, but later realised that it was the entire region that was the attraction. Today I enjoyed looking round the Visitors Centre and quizzed them about dog friendly accommodation options for next time.

Beautiful things on sale!

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