Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Cuenca continued

After the long Cathedral visit, I walked back up the hill past my Posada as far as the remains of the Castle:

From here there is another view of the Parador on the opposite side of the gorge:

Then it was time for lunch down in the main square. If a car comes down at speed, it’s best to stand well back against the wall:

Lunch was baby lamb chops. I started off sitting outside with an apple and walnut salad, but it began to feel a bit chilly so I asked if I could be moved to a table inside.

As it was early, this was possible. My table was up several flights of stairs overlooking the square. My waiter was a friendly guy from Nepal, who spoke really good English. I told him I had trekked in Nepal when I was a lot younger.

Dessert was tiramisu and never mind the calories!

Looking down on part of the kitchen on my way out.

As I left the restaurant it was starting to rain. A heavy thunderstorm went on all afternoon, but this was siesta time anyway.

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