Monday, April 27, 2015

O'Cebreiro to Triacastela

Today was the wettest day I've ever experienced on the Camino. It even penetrated the front pockets of my backpack, which is supposed to be waterproof! My leather gloves are soaked and will take a long time to dry out. Ditto my boots.

I left the Venta Celta hotel at 8.30 am. It was 7 degrees and foggy and drizzly. There was no view whatsoever, and on a clear day it would be spectacular. I soon reached the Alto San Roque, where there is statue of a medieval pilgrim leaning into the west wind. That is the only photo I took today, as I didn't want to get my phone wet.

I made 3 stops along the way to try and dry out a bit, but as soon as I stepped out again I was in the downpour. An American woman was trying to persuade people to share a taxi with her, but got no takers!

The track was very muddy with huge puddles. Lots of wild flowers but I couldn't stop to enjoy them. It is fine now that I've reached my destination of Casa David in Triacastela, and there is a rumour that it may also be fine tomorrow.

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