Thursday, September 29, 2016

Day One To Chengdu

Our Cathay Pacific flight left Perth at 5 minutes to midnight.  It was absolutely full on a Saturday night. The announcement from the flight deck told us that the captain was a woman. The flight was somewhat turbulent, but I did manage about 4 hours sleep out of the 8. The food was just OK - I had a prawn stirfry, but the man next to me struggled with a huge piece of lamb backstrap that he was unable to cut up with the puny knife provided. Breakfast was not good either. I was in Premium Economy, but M and V were even worse off in Economy where breakfast was served in a little box with no hot food and no coffee offered!

(When I tried to post this earlier from Chengdu, I discovered that Blogger is one of many sites banned by the Chinese Govt.  However, on arrival in Hong Kong, I found that the ban didn't extend to there; I was free to post again, using my diary entries which I'd written every day throughout China).

Hong Kong Airport, 19 September, 9.00 a.m.

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