Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Los Arcos

The weather in Estella was very cold when I left the Albergue: only 9 degrees. By lunchtime it had warmed up to 22. For me this was a "rest day", but I still managed to do more than 10,000 steps just walking around. 

The bus to Los Arcos took less than half an hour to do the 18 kms, which would have taken me all day. When I arrived at Pension Mavi it was closed up, but someone in the nearby bar was kind enough to call up the owner to let me in.

After a siesta and shower, I went along to the main square for a beer and a visit to the Church of Santa Maria. This is an overly decorated Baroque Church, not to my taste at all, but I was there at exactly the right time of day to see the minor miracle! At 6.45 pm, a beam of sunlight comes through a west window and shines on the Virgin Mary above the altar.

I had a Pilgrims Dinner at Restaurant Mavi: mixed salad, chicken w chips and dessert for €12.  Early to bed in preparation for long walk to Viana tomorrow.

Church of Santa Maria in Los Arcos

Santa Maria in the evening sun

1 comment:

  1. Lovely sunlit moment in the church. I like to see a good baroque interior, all glitter and gold. Good to hear you are letting a bus take the strain sometimes.
