Wednesday, February 28, 2018

North and South

In the Northern Hemisphere the Beast from the East has dumped a lot of snow everywhere. All the British blogs I read have lovely snow scenes. My sister has sent me a few photos from Yorkshire. I haven't seen snow for about 5 years since there was a blizzard on the Camino near Burgos.
In the Southern Hemisphere it was the last day of summer, so I decided on a trip to Cottesloe Beach for a little walk on the sand. They were busy setting up for the annual Sculpture by the Sea exhibition, so I was able to capture a few of the installations.
My sister's driveway: they are snowed in, as they live at the top of a very steep hill!

View from her balcony looking down towards Holmfirth.
That was quite a snowdrift!
Cottesloe looking south towards Fremantle

Sculpture by the Sea
Love this one!

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