Sunday, July 15, 2018

More on Wooleen

Exploring on rented bikes

Wooleen has a large lake on the property which only fills with water from creeks every 9 years. We didn't see it this year. However, there is a smaller lake, Yewlands Pool, which was full and gave us an idea of what the large one would look like.

C and E discovered Yewlands on an early morning bike ride, some 12 kms round trip. (They came back rather saddle sore!). They decided to collect the oldies in the car and go back there for a picnic lunch. We were thrilled to see 4 emus on the other side of the lake, as well as lots of waterbirds. C identified a big flock of black winged stilts and some white necked herons.
I tried to photograph the emus on the other side
Lunch spot
Sheltering from the wind behind a large water tank: flies still in evidence!
A beautiful white gum near the lake's edge
C birdwatching
Stilts flying over
Stilts again
Dingo footprints

Contrary to the current opinion (from other station owners as well as the Ag Dept), Frances and David do not bait or shoot dingoes. They believe that dingoes prey on other feral pests which would compete with cattle for the sparse grass. Wooleen is experimenting with a small herd of cattle (120) which are confined to a particular area and then will be rotated as new grass permits. We didn't see David, except in the distance, as he was busy with fencing contractors putting up additional fences for this experiment. This meant that he was not running sunset tours for visitors, so we missed hearing all this from the horses mouth.

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