Thursday, December 26, 2019

A surprise present

As a confirmed Camino addict, I’ve waited a long time for this book.  Its appearance on Christmas Day was a wonderful present. Rebekah and Patrick have done what many of us have dreamed about: purchased an old ruin of a house in a tiny pueblo right on the Camino Frances. I’ve been there and walked past it!

The most important thing to say is that Rebekah is a professional writer, unlike most of the other travel diarists who publish their e-books willy nilly on Amazon. Her account of random happenings in Moratinos in the 2010 Holy Year is magical and evocative. I want to be there again!

Nobody knew if we were doctors or lawyers or housewives, if we had raised the First Class Laying Hen or won a Pulitzer. We became just pilgrims, like all the other pilgrims there.

Scott, Rebekah. A Furnace Full of God: A Holy Year on the Camino de Santiago . Peaceable Publishing. Kindle Edition. 

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