Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas indulgences

Another hot day was forecast: too hot to have our usual Christmas lunch in the garden at Como. Our balcony at Burswood would be cooler and we could go for a pre-lunch dip in the pool. The first indulgence was a luscious chocolate cake for my birthday, made by DD. Couldn’t find 75 candles in my drawer: two would have to do!

A few cards and bottles. Cards get fewer, bottles get more!

An e-card came from iiNet.

We had the pool to ourselves.

On the menu for lunch:
Blinis w. Tasmanian “hand milked” caviar.
Crispy-skin barramundi w. salad.
Two helpings of choc cake (since the rest of the meal was healthy and slimming).
Tiny bottles of champers from my now ended Advent calendar.

Salad being prepared.

Blowing out the candles, in competition with the sea breeze which had just come in.

OK, I don’t feel 75!

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