Sunday, January 26, 2020

Back to the beach

There is something special about an early morning walk to the beach. Now back home, we can’t do this as the sea is a half hour drive away. I make do with the river but it’s not the same.

The diggers were there scooping up seaweed again. This is the accumulation after only two days. A Seniors Swimming Club were diving in just afterwards.

These signs are located everywhere along our coast, to assist the Emergency Services.

Late in the afternoons, a stiff breeze sprang up. All the seagulls face into the wind:

Back at the ranch, we prepared a welcome home meal for our hosts who were returning from a week’s work in Fremantle. I did the main course: two different quiches (smoked trout w. sweetcorn and a traditional Lorraine). E and C spent a long time creating a restaurant style dessert: a base of chocolate brownie w. a dollop of white chocolate and raspberry ice cream. Luscious (but I’ve now put on half a kilo!)