Saturday, July 18, 2020


Rehabilitation In The Home.
Being at home is obviously better than being in hospital, but it only works if there is an able bodied person to take care of everything. Looking after an invalid is very demanding on time and energy. There is a lot of support available, but like waiting for a bus they all come at once!

JL came home a week ago, with all the paraphernalia supplied free of charge, on loan from the hospital: walking frame, raised toilet seat, shower chair - and an incredible amount of paperwork. An Occupational Therapist came next day (Sunday) to assess the home for any changes to be made. She didn’t like the low settee or the low bed, as these are difficult to get up from after hip surgery. She went away to think about this; but she did send a man to put a grab rail in the shower (also cost free). I had already organised a plumber to come and install a hand held shower.

A Carer comes on Mon, Wed and Fri to help JL have a shower - always a different one unfortunately. By far the best visitor has been Ben the Physiotherapist. He really knows his stuff and just pushes JL to do a little bit more than he feels like doing. I am familiar with all the exercises from my own hip replacement a few years ago, and can look after things on days when Ben doesn’t come. JL can now walk around our small apartment and onto the balcony with his frame. We just need a few more nice days as it’s been cold recently.

He didn’t eat much in hospital and nobody seemed to monitor this, though they were absolutely obsessed with what came out at the other end (which was not  a lot!).  He came home with very little appetite, so I’ve been trying all his favourite foods. Last night, for the first time, he ate the same dinner as I did: Chicken Parcels with spinach and ricotta from Aldi, served with sweet potato and roasted capsicum. He will always eat a small bought rice pudding into which I deposit a few blueberries, and S has brought him some Sustagen. This tastes quite nice, but it will be too fattening for me, I imagine. Soup always goes down well at lunchtime, served with cheese and biscuits and then a mandarin orange. He definitely looks better than he did a week ago:

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes; it's a lot of work recovering, as you know. and an accident on top of it!
