Sunday, August 23, 2020

Bold Park

We had a lovely bushwalk today, with an abundance of wildflowers to photograph. 

V brought her greyhound. The dog didn’t like the metal boardwalk up to the lookout on Riebold Hill. It hurt her feet and when the time came to walk back down again, she flatly refused to go. Lutz the hero picked her up and carried her down - all 30 kilos!

Donkey orchids
Donkey orchids

Yellow Leschenaultia: normally they are blue

Spider orchids

Pink fairy orchids

Lots of pink fairies

Zamia Palm

Bracket fungi round a tree stump

Very strange fungus high up on a tree

We walked about 9 kilometres in total. It was a good day out. My legs are tired now so I’m rewarding myself with an Aperol Spritz.

We ate our lunch sitting on some tree stumps. Unfortunately they were exuding sap which stuck to the backside of our pants.

This was AFTER a wash, but then I discovered the surprising remedy on YouTube: rub on hand sanitizer and the sticky stain is instantly dissolved.

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