Thursday, August 6, 2020

Trip to the beach

A lovely sunny day was forecast, so another trip to South Beach Fremantle was decided upon. After a coffee at the cafe, I left JL sitting on his walker and went south towards the C Y O’Connor beach. There had been a lot of erosion after recent storms:

I spoke to two employees of Cockburn Council who were doing maintenance work on TV cameras which take photos every hour and send them to their computer at HQ.  This has been going on for a year in order to check on the state of the coastline. The cameras are mounted on a high flagpole and take photos in both directions:

I walked out on the breakwater and took photos, looking north and south:
South, showing where most of the erosion has been and plantings have been done.

North, looking towards Fremantle.

JL would be interested in all this because there have been similar problems near his old house at Quinn’s Rocks. Going back, I found him looking out to sea at the ships waiting to enter Fremantle Port, including a monster container ship with two tugs helping it to find its way in:

Lovely sea grass beside the path:

Then we went home and I made a vegetarian quiche for dinner:

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