Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Lesmurdie Falls

Practically next door to Whistlepipe Gully is Lesmurdie Brook, which is said to have the best waterfall in the Perth Hills. I wanted to see it yesterday, but I was unsure whether to approach from the top (ie the Falls Rd car park) or the bottom (ie the Palm Terrace car park). My friend V said go to the top; but she didn’t warn me of the million steps down and back up again! There was plenty of water rushing down the falls, so it was worth the trip, even though I was worn out afterwards.

The interpretive boards were useful, explaining about the Darling Scarp. I took the green route:

This is what the steps were like:

Top of the falls from the first lookout

This bank has been colonised by Watsonia
(a South African weed)

Nothing else can compete once it's established

View of Perth in the distance

Bottom of the falls

The best view is from much nearer the water, but I didn't feel like scrambling over the rocks to get there! I watched two girls in front of me do just that. Coming back, they overtook me and I heard them chatting. They were nurses enjoying their day off. Good for them!

1 comment:

  1. You go, girl. That hike is beyond me, though I've managed those steps and more. The walk is the point! That is a lovely fall.
