Monday, August 1, 2022


Yesterday we had some rain: lots of it! On the way from Onslow, I stopped at Nanutarra Roadhouse where it started to drizzle. From then on, all the way into Exmouth, it rained harder and harder. The only good thing was that it gave my car a good wash. It had been covered in bird droppings after I parked under a tree at Fitzroy,

No photos were taken all day and I didn’t go out at night as it was so wet. I’m staying for two nights at Ningaloo Lodge in the centre of Exmouth. This is budget accommodation one step up from being a backpackers. There is a really good communal kitchen, well equipped and always clean and tidy.

Exmouth is all about visiting Ningaloo Reef, which is quite a drive out of town. First stop was Vlamingh Head Lighthouse:

This area is preserved from World War 2 with a row of defensive sandbags.

Looking south from the lighthouse towards the reef.

On entering the National Park, there is an entrance fee: $8 for concession holders, all automated now.

I kept driving south and stopped at the Milyering Visitors Centre. There are models of all the flora and fauna:

You can swim with these monsters (whale sharks) if you are a proficient snorkeller. Not me, but C has done it.

Wedge tailed eagle: they are always by the roadside eating roadkill, such as kangaroos that have tangled with cars.

My final stop was Turquoise Bay, a prime snorkelling spot. There is a drift loop, which I have done in the past, but not today on my own. The current is surprisingly strong and can carry you out to sea through a gap in the reef if you don’t watch out.

I might just settle for a swim in the pool later:

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