Saturday, October 1, 2022

Suddenly it’s Spring!

We’ve had a long cold winter in Perth and it stretched long into September. Too many freezing mornings for my liking, even though I managed to escape up North from time to time. Now there’s a sudden change in the weather at last. C’s garden in Como is blooming:

We’ve never seen the wisteria so prolific. It’s threatening to knock the trellis down and has even climbed to the top of the bottle brush tree:

The nasturtiums are at their absolute best:

Rocky thinks so too:

For the first time in many months, we had Friday night dinner in the garden. On the menu was Red Emperor w. rice, spinach and peas:

… followed by apple cake and cream:

On the table were two spray bottles, one containing Aerogard against the mosquitos and the other containing cream. In a “senior moment” I picked up the wrong bottle and almost sprayed my dessert with it. That would have been a disaster, but E yelled out and saved the day!

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