Sunday, July 2, 2023

Broometime 2

I stayed at Beaches of Broome, an up-market backpackers, in a private room. The big plus is the location: very close to Cable Beach. The drawback this year has been the other clientele: a big group of (I think) Indonesians who take over the kitchen every night at 6.00 pm . They all have their own personal rice cooker, labelled with their name, and spend a long time preparing the accompanying dishes, frying and boiling up stuff for ages, so that no-one else can get a look in. I’m assuming that they are working somewhere in Broome for the season. This morning, Sunday, was obviously their day off. Two of the girls were all dressed up and were collected by a minibus labelled Diocese of Broome: a free ride to Church!

On my last night in Broome, I decided to avoid the competition in the kitchen and went across the road to dine at the Cable Beach Club. It proved to be no more expensive than other Broome restaurants. I had some delicious chilli mussels:

They were served with roti bread and contained a generous amount of fresh red chillies (more than my system is used to, I discovered later!)

View from my table in the restaurant on a rather chilly evening ( in more ways than one).

Walking through the grounds of the Cable Beach Club earlier, I came across a tiny little creature hopping around. I was told it was a new born wallaby:

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