Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Canning River bushwalk

It was supposed to start at 7.30 am, but I didn’t get myself out of bed in time and arrived at the start point at 7.55 am.  Never mind, the start (and end) was at the Lo Quay River Cafe. This was just opening and appeared to be one of Perth’s favourite breakfast venues. I settled for a coffee and croissant, though everyone else was ordering more exotic platefuls. I couldn’t believe how many more people were arriving to occupy tables inside and out. It’s now on my list to come again.

Lo Quay River Cafe early morning

After my quick snack, I set off in the direction of the “official” bushwalk, thinking I would come across the group sooner or later. I had a rest on a seat to contemplate the quiet surroundings, until I was attacked by a mosquito (and these are rare because of the hot, dry summer we’ve been having).

View from my seat

On the way back to Lo Quay, I was fascinated by the number of jellyfish near the bridge. I was trying to get a good photo of them when all the bushwalkers came past and were surprised to see me.

Interesting information about the location

A cup marks the spot

1 comment:

  1. A private river bushwalk, I see. It is rather difficult to photograph things underwater, without filters.
