Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Broome Day Four

Claire wanted to visit a couple of art galleries, but two of our favourite ones had closed down. We eventually found the small Short Street gallery in business, but the dot paintings were mostly displaying red dots and cost 6 thousand plus!

We had morning tea at Matso's. They were serving the most delicious coffee. E enjoyed a choc milkshake and Claire sampled Matso's new wheat beer.

Claire and Ellie posed for a photo taken at the same spot outside Matso's where they had been photographed when E was about 2:

After lunch, C and M went to the Bali Hai Spa for a massage. J scoffed at the expense, but we think it was worth the extravagance!  In the evening we had a BBQ, steak for the carnivores and vegetarian sausages for the others.


On their last day in Broome, C and E went for a camel ride:

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