Saturday, July 18, 2015

Onslow to Exmouth

Sunrise was just before 7.00 am. I jumped out of bed to take this view over the sea, right in front of our cabin:

We were soon on the road heading out of Onslow, past all the brine ponds of Onslow Solar Salt Works. We stopped to look at this pink lake:

We had lunch on Burkett Drive, near the turn off for Bullara Station and spotted some lovely wild flowers just off the track:

We arrived at John Sinclaire's place just after 2.15 pm, unloaded our stuff and had a cup of tea and a siesta. His view is just as lovely as ever, but no whales going past at this time of year.

Sea eagle on lampost across the road

John's house at sunset

John S cooked us a good dinner of fish and salad, together with some rice and garlic bread. Then we all had an early night.

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