Sunday, September 24, 2017


As I stepped out from the Albergue in Muruzabal, I asked an Irishman to take my photo. At 8.00am, it promised to be another perfect day for walking on the Camino. Temperatures of 27 degrees were forecast for the afternoon. With only about 5 kms to Puente, I could afford to take my time in the cool of the morning.

I arrived before 10.00 am and stopped for a coffee at the bar of Hotel Jakue. There is an Albergue in the basement, where I stayed last time. Today, I am booked into Casa Rural Bidean, right in the centre of town on Calle Mayor.

Today, Sunday, there is a fiesta going on, with market stalls all the way along the street. In the main square, they are raising money for something in Ecuador. By donation, you can help yourself to a glass of wine and all sorts of tapas. A lot of these feature very mild red chillies preserved in olive oil. Delicious! On the way into town, I passed through all the vegetable gardens (huertas) where they were growing in abundance but still green.

Fortunately my little room in the hotel is on the 3rd floor and at the back, so I won't here any noise no matter how long the celebrations go on for.

Leaving the Albergue 

Coats of arms in Muruzabel

Wild fennel

Rose hips


Street market in Puente

Cheese stall

Bread stall

Wine and tapas by donation

Statue of Santiago in the church

(Lovely pics of the famous bridge)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos Margaret, and nice to see one of you, all sprightly and ready to go!

    The countryside pictures look almost English, berries etc.
