Sunday, September 8, 2019

Celebration at Sandalfords

A beautiful Spring day of 25 degrees. Time for a gourmet lunch at Sandalfords Winery in the Swan Valley. C was celebrating her birthday belatedly, thus avoiding last Sunday (Fathers Day) when all the venues would be packed.

We had a little stroll around the gardens first and admired the old vines which are just beginning to shoot.  Soon I’ll be seeing the vintage in Portugal.

Some people actually arrived by helicopter!

Starters: sourdough with balsamic, dukkha and hummus

E's gnocchi with mushroom sauce

My venison stew with aligot,
last tasted in France

Luscious dessert: chocolate creme brûlée

JL's dessert of Turkish rice pudding
 with sesame seed ice cream.
He wouldn't eat the edible flower!

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