Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Garden Party

Two of our bushwalking friends invited us to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary and Jim’s 80th birthday. Didn’t they do well?  The party was held in their garden in Dalkeith. A large number of guests (mainly relatives) kept arriving, each bearing platters of food and children in tow. Oldies and youngies mingled together.

I have always admired Jim’s veggie garden. It must be the most productive in the area. He has created a protected microclimate, surrounded by trees and fences, in which tropical plants flourish - even bananas and papayas. He supplies us with cumquats every year for marmalade.

They have lived in this house near the university all their married life. As a young man, he went to the bank for a mortgage but was first refused because he was single!! Finally he was successful and filled every room with lodgers in order to pay the mortgage. It has proved to be a brilliant investment as well as being a little paradise. The lawns are dichondra, not grass; they remain very green, but chairs sink into them and threaten to tip you off.

Cockatiels chirped at us throughout. We didn’t manage to pin down the host and hostess for a photo as they were busy organising everything!

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