Monday, September 30, 2019

Porto to Coimbra

Late yesterday afternoon I popped into the Sandeman shop next door to look around. I’d already done their tour and tasting 2 years ago.

I was disappointed to discover that there was no dinner in the hostel, as it was Grandmother’s night off! So I strolled along the busy quayside looking for an alternative that wasn’t already full. I settled on an upstairs room at Rabelos, with another fantastic view.

I ordered a Portuguese speciality: a gratin dish containing pieces of fish, mashed potato and shredded vegetables in a creamy cheese sauce. I drank some Rose. I did JL’s trick of cross questioning the waiter who spoke English with rather old fashioned expressions. He came from Cape Verde which used to be a Portuguese colony. He must have been a descendant of slaves.

Sandeman tasting room

Rabelos Restaurant
By train to Coimbra,€7.00, arrived at lunchtime. Olive Street House only 5 minutes walk from the station. Staying here for 3 nights - now in Economy Class! Tiny single room with no view but can’t complain for the price!!

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