Thursday, September 26, 2019

Pinhao to Quinta de la Rosa

I needed to go for an early morning walk in order todo justice to the breakfast buffet. I walked downstream to check the way to Quinta de las Rosa, my next destination. It’s supposed to be a 21 minute walk, but the last bit is steeply uphill. I passed by another cruise boat, moored for the night, but some passengers were already off for a bus trip. Also to be seen was a group of  “camper cars” of various nationalities, just parked up beside the road - a nice free night for them, but no facilities.

Back for breakfast at 9.15 am, outside on the terrace. You know it’s a top spot when there is a bottle of champers hidden in the corner for making Bucks Fizz. The day was warming up, so a quick walk around town was in order, but not a lot to see. I bought my train ticket for Saturday and admired the blue and white tiles depicting local winery scenes from years gone by. Then I determined it was warm enough to check out the swimming pool - no heating but I had it to myself to do a few lengths.

Breakfast Terrace: the Cruise Boat and camper cars are round the bend of the river, on the right (between the plant pots)

They were picking grapes (by hand and onto a tractor) at 8.00 am. These vines are on a north facing slope, opposite my window.

The women pick (with more delicate hands)

The men transport the baskets down to the shore

Scenes from the station. The last one shows the problem before dams were built to control the flow.

An old wine storage place, now abandoned

A cruise boat full of Americans. They come and go all day!

Hotel pool: it would be a pity to leave without trying it!

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