Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Broome: time to say goodbye

On our last day, we wanted to pack in as much as we could. First on the agenda was a little bit of retail therapy in town. During the lockdown, I didn’t go near a shop for about 6 weeks, saving quite a bit of money in the process. Now I have a get-out-of-jail card and it’s very tempting to go mad and buy stuff!

At Paspaleys, it was only looking!

This is a new sandalwood shop, but they don’t seem to be doing a lot of business; too many products and too expensive! I just bought mosquito coils.

I want to get into macrame again.

I discovered that Cable Beach Club was reopening today, so I was keen to revisit the place and wander through the gardens, culminating with a drink at the Sunset Bar. They were only serving “house guests”, we were told, but JL persuaded someone to bend the rules and two G and T’s appeared!

The gardens were looking particularly well cared for.

At 5.20 it was time to cross the road for a final sunset viewing:

Just in time to see the red camels coming up from the beach on their way home.

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