Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Puente to Villatuerte (18 Kms) 5 May

Pilgrim monument outside Jakue

I left c. 8.00 a.m., having enjoyed a quick breakfast at Jakue for €4 and taking a photo of the pilgrim monument outside. It was another perfect day for walking the Camino: sunny and clear and not too hot. I left town over the historic bridge, passing 3 pilgrims who were cooking breakfast on a portable stove. Out in the country, cuckoos were singing and again there were lots of wildflowers beside the track, including thyme and wild garlic giving off their scents.

On the road to Cirauqui

I stopped for drinks at Maneru, Cirauqui and Lorca, where I had a final beer to give me enough strength to do the last 5 kms into Villatuerte. There were no single rooms in the private albergue, so had to settle for a dorm with 6 beds. I have a little cubicle area to myself, so I hope no-one else arrives later to occupy the last bed! The albergue has an enclosed garden behind, where I sat and relaxed for a couple of hours, chatting to Donna and a girl from Canberra.


A delicious pilgrims meal was served: chicken broth, salad, big vegetarian paella and a very runny cinnamon dessert: plus good company from the 3 large tables of pilgrims. I slept O.K. in the dorm, because Simone, the Brazilian owner, put no-one else in my adjoining bed and a late-arriving group of Columbian cyclists were consigned to the attic area.


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