Saturday, September 7, 2013

Villatuerte to Estella (4 Kms) 6 May

Everyone was up at about 6.30 a.m. The Rumanians in my room had already left without a sound. I met Donna, the Canadian, as we were putting on our boots at the door and we went in search of breakfast. The Panaderia only opened at 7.30 a.m., but we decided to wait and had café con leche and croissants. I walked with her to Estella. She was going on, but I wanted to see the town at leisure, since there were said to be many buildings of interest in what had been a very important staging post on the Camino. I stopped to take my bearings near the 14th century Gothic church of Santa Sepulchro at the edge of town.

Santa Sepulchro

Cloisters at San Pedro

I checked in early at San Andres Pension, a bargain at €25: a small room at the back with half a bath. I visited the San Pedro Church and its 12th century cloisters with unusual twisted columns. The church was built on top of a cliff, with a long flight of steps up to it. Unfortunately , the Palacio de los Reyes de Navarra was closed on Mondays. It is said to be a rare example of civil Romanesque architecture.

I had a magnificent lunch at 1.15 p.m. at La Cena Restaurant:

Mixed fresh veggies tossed with ham

Red peppers (4) stuffed with minced beef

Raspberry “sorbet” (more like a milkshake)


Salteado de verdures frescas, con taquitos de jamon

Pimientos del piquillo rellenos de tenera, con salsa de Oporto

Sorbet de frambuesa.

That will do me for the day! Early to bed with a suspicion of a bad cold coming on.


San Andres Pension


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