Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Uterga to Puente la Reina (10 Kms) 4 May

It was a perfect Spring day: a joy to be walking the Camino! I departed at 7.45 a.m. for Muruzabal, where I knew I had to turn off for Eunate. I got completely lost (it had been so early, nobody was around to ask the way). I wasted an hour, retraced my steps back to Muruzabal and enquired of a man doing his garden. He took me to a viewpoint over the valley and pointed out the tiny church in the distance. I finally arrived at Eunate at 10.15. This was OK as the church was only opened at 10.30. It was a perfect octagon: “a jewel of the Camino” said the guide book.



I went on to Obanos and then to Puente. It was getting hotter, with poppies bright on the road side. I finally saw it was 19 °. I arrived at Albergue Jakue and secured a single room in the basement of the hotel for €40. The albergue was right on the edge of town, but I wanted to do some sightseeing during the afternoon. As I walked along the narrow main street, I met Donna, a Canadian girl I’d talked to at the Alto. She had got lost after Eunate, looking for the way to Puente. (The moral is stay on the Camino if you have a poor sense of direction!)

Exploring Puente

Back at Jakue, an excellent pilgrims meal was served for €13 Euros: a large buffet of salads, then pork escalopes with chips, and many different kinds of dessert from the buffet, with wine and beer on tap (free flowing!) Eat and drink as much as you like! On my table, I talked to a “Crisis Manager” from Budapest who had 5 desserts! At bedtime, I took a sleeping pill (in case of noise from other pilgrims going past my door) and slept soundly till 7.00 a.m.

The bridge after which Puente is named

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