Sunday, April 1, 2018

Canaveral to Riolobos

Canaveral to Riolobos

Fitbit says 20,000 steps.

Three German women, staying at the Albergue in Canaveral were planning to take taxi to Grimaldo, so I asked if I could join them. It proved a good move as it saved a long uphill stretch. After that, I said goodbye to them as I knew they were fast walkers and I wouldn't be able to keep up with their pace.

It was a pleasant day weatherwise, sunny with just a bit of cloud cover and warmer than of late (17 degrees now at 9.00 pm). The route was through country lanes and tracks through fields, some a bit waterlogged. Two Spanish pilgrims passed me, loaded up with camping gear and accompanied by a brown poodle called Turk.

At the turnoff for Riolobos, I was sitting having a snack when a Maltese cyclist arrived, very fed up. He had taken a wrong turn and added many needless kilometres to his trip. Then I nearly forgot my stick till another cyclist rushed after me with it in her hand.

This was horse country, many in the fields and one brought out in a horse box for a ride in the countryside. I was pretty tired when I arrived at Riolobos as the stony track was up and down all the way. No wonder the cyclist was annoyed with himself. I had booked a "bungalow" in a camping site, but it turned out to be a tiny studio apartment on the first floor around a courtyard.

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