Sunday, April 8, 2018

Salamanca 2

I cannot believe how bloody cold it is here! Tomorrow morning snow is forecast and 2 degrees. It's a long time since I've experienced temperatures this low. At least my hotel in Salamanca is lovely and warm and I'm sitting in my room enjoying a G and T after a full day of sight seeing, watching Sky News on TV.

This morning I felt under pressure to see as much as I could before everything closed for the day. Sunday is not the best day for visiting churches, because "tourists" are excluded when Masses are on. Firstly I walked up to the Plaza Mayor, one of the biggest in Spain and took some photos before the crowds of tour groups assembled. I was particularly taken by the size of the square and by the "cameos" of figures from Spanish history - lots of them - on all sides.

Whilst there, I picked out my lunch spot: Grandma's Bakery!

Philip II

Ferdinand and Isabella

King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia

Duke of Wellington ???


Franco is said to be there, protected from vandalism and graffiti, but I couldn't find him!

Spot the Golden Arches!

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