Sunday, May 10, 2020

Online shopping

I’m a big fan of online shopping, especially now when I can’t go out.  I buy lots of e-books from Amazon and occasionally clothes from Lands End or M and S. I’m also a good customer for knitting wool from LoveCrafts (previously LoveKnitting) in the UK.

Six weeks ago, just before lockdown got underway, I ordered some wool, thinking to knit a jumper that would keep me busy for a while. It still has not arrived! I’ve emailed them several times, but all I get is a standard message full of apologies. The annoying thing is that they are still sending out promotional e-mails and accepting more orders. I know that Australia Post has been inundated, with very few interstate flights to carry cargo.

I decided to complain to my credit card company. I filled in a form with all the details and was amazed to receive an instantaneous refund. There was no way it could have been checked by a human eye! It did take ages to locate the form on the website, though.

Feeling magnanimous, I decided to donate the cash to a worthy cause. Many albergues and B&Bs on the Camino are struggling now as there are no pilgrims to help defray their costs. The Stone Boat is a special place at Rabanal. I was heading there last year till my knee problem flared up. Maybe next year... The owner has set up a GoFundMe so I sent her my wool money. She posts atmospheric black and white photos on Instagram.

The Stone Boat GoFundMe

Meanwhile I'm using up all my spare wool and have just produced a Mother's Day pressie in reverse for C who has been delivering lots of shopping for us:


  1. Dear C: This is the best gift you may ever receive. Margaret gifted me a pair a year or so ago, and they have got me through the winter at my keyboard ever since.

  2. What a kind thing to do with the refund!

    Do you have any local yarn suppliers you can use or will you have to re-order from the UK once the pathways for parcels free up? If the latter then I'm picturing you knitting as slowly as you can bear to make your existing supplies last longer.

    Love the gloves. I never saw the point in fingerless mitts until I knitted myself a pair. They quickly became my most worn handwear - so versatile, and excellent for running. I'll be making myself more pairs in due course in different weights of yarn.
