Sunday, May 31, 2020

Walking in the rain

The first bushwalk of the season attracted a big group yesterday: 22 people (i.e. 2 over the limit for gatherings). We spread out well over the tracks in Kings Park: a very easy walk for those of us whose joints had stiffened up a bit during the lockdown. The weather forecast was wrong and we got absolutely soaked in one shower after another!

After a short shelter in this gazebo, we pressed on. It was a good test of our wet weather gear.

Only a few wildflowers were out so early in the season, but the heavy rain will surely encourage a lot more. This a “Cockies Tongue” or Templetonia Retusa:

In the Botanic Garden there is a section devoted to plants from the Kimberley. I was happy to see one of my favourites, a Birdflower:

This is a Wickham’s Grevillea:

We even managed to find another gazebo to eat our picnic lunch and finished off with a piece of the most delicious “impossible cake” provided by Carla, full of lemon and coconut. She wouldn’t give us the recipe, saying she made it up every time.

We walked 7.6 kms.


  1. I would not like the wet...rain.
    I wonder if that is what we call bleeding heart. The pink with little tongues.

  2. I don’t like the wet either, but it was so nice to meet up with my bushwalking friends again after the lockdown.
