Sunday, March 28, 2021

Chinese tasting

E has a part-time job in a Fremantle Dumpling House. I wanted her to experience an up-market Chinese restaurant by comparison. Silks at Crown Perth is the place. C had given me a Crown gift card for Christmas, so the three of us blew it on a splendid meal. We all ordered the Tasting Menu, which included small servings of all their signature dishes.

The mysterious entrance to Silks.

The two erstwhile vegetarians decided to indulge in everything on the menu, including wok fried beef fillet and Peking duck wrapped in a pancake.

My favourite dish:
King Prawns tossed in Tamarind Sauce.

Top: Peking Duck pancake;
Bottom left: assorted dim sum;
Bottom right: dessert.

The dessert was a beautiful concoction which resembled Chinese lacquer. It consisted of  a dark chocolate shell filled with blackberries citrus jelly and other small delicacies.

E looked very glamorous in a strapless outfit.

I just looked my normal self.

Everything was unbelievably delicious. I was still full next morning! Where can we try next?

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Astra Zeneca

Queuing outside the COVID vaccination clinic. 

Roll-out of vaccinations has ben slow in Australia. This week saw the start of Phase 1B, which meant that I was eligible. No chance of getting an appointment, I thought. Then I saw the Vic Park Respiratory Clinic pictured on the news on Monday night. I know this place, because I shop at Aldi, just opposite. I quickly got online and made a booking. Because it's a new clinic, there were lots of spaces. Most doctors' surgeries are still phone-only, so it would have been hopeless trying to get through this week.

They were calling in 4 people at a time and we all sat in a row waiting for the jab. I was first in line. There was a slight hiccup with the girl sitting next to me, when some of her injection sprayed outwards from the needle and landed on my arm. Did she get enough? Who knows? Did I receive an additional amount through the skin? All I can say is the side effects were not nice. We see politicians claiming they didn't feel a thing from the jab (which is true), but nobody speaks about the side effects. I felt very poorly for about 36 hours: headache and joint pain and generally under the weather. In the night I wondered if the cure was worse than the illness.

I feel better now, and have the second vaccination in 12 weeks to look forward to.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Gender bias?

There has been a spate of rape allegations in the Australian parliament and more young women have been coming forward to tell their stories and to demand a safer workplace. This set me thinking about my early career: nothing so horrendous happened to me, but here are a few reminiscences about gender bias.

1) In my early 20’s I was in charge of a small branch of Sheffield City Libraries, with a staff of five. The libraries were used as Polling Stations and public servants could earn a tidy sum working at the elections. Libraries closed on Thursdays to allow this. Women were normally Polling Clerks. Men were Presiding Officers. I applied to become a Presiding Officer. I was in charge of the library for the rest of the year. Why not on Election Day? What if there is some kind of an Incident, they said. There is always a policeman on duty, I replied. They had to agree in the end. When I went to the City Hall for the swearing in, I found myself in a room with a hundred or so men.  A small victory, I thought!

2) The post of Reference Librarian in charge of the Science and Technology Library was advertised. The obvious candidate was an efficient woman who had worked there for many years. When she went to ask for an application form, they wouldn’t give her one. The top brass favoured an up-and-coming young man from outside. He got the job! She was too shocked by the whole business to protest. It was all kept very quiet at the time. Later, the whizz-kid moved on and she finally got the job.

3) I applied for a position as Librarian at a top London boys' school. I believe I was the best candidate. On my visit to the school I became uneasy about the ethos there. Women seemed to be in all the more subservient roles: matrons, secretaries, art teachers. I sensed that this was not the place for me. The previous Librarian was a man who was retiring, but there were no male applicants. They gave the job to a local girl; they wouldn't have to pay my relocation expenses from Wales. Single sex schools are a breeding ground for perpetuating male notions of superiority. 

3. Many years later, in Australia, I came across this riddle, which I told to a man I know well. Like many others, he couldn’t solve it. Men of a certain age are entrenched in old beliefs and unfortunately that applies to many of our parliamentarians of the same generation. Yesterday’s March4Justice and the reaction to it show that there is a long way to go. 

A father and son get in a car crash and are rushed to the hospital. The father dies. The boy is taken to the operating room and the surgeon says, “I can’t operate on this boy, because he’s my son.”

How is this possible?

40-75% of people can’t solve this riddle because they’re unable to imagine the surgeon is a woman. The surgeon is the boy’s mother.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Pots of Fun

That's what they are called: Pots of Fun. Woollies latest promotion consists of tiny pots with a few seeds waiting to be germinated. Grow your own flowers and veggies! You receive one pot per $30 spent in the supermarket. I’m only growing the veggies as there is limited space on my balcony. These are my efforts so far:

Sage, lettuce, spinach, chives, onion, silverbeet 
waiting to be planted.




Two types of kale (purchased previously, not from seeds).
These were attacked by green caterpillars one night,
but I soon got rid of them with a murderous spray.

One problem is that these small pots dry out very quickly. One woman has invented a self watering system using empty plastic bottles:
Maybe more trouble than its worth?

Woolworths and Coles are in a constant state of competition. A couple of years ago, Coles had its most popular promotion: Little Shop. Tiny replicas of common products could be collected: things like Vegemite and VapoRub, for children to play at shops. I still have the replica Nescafe jar stuck to my fridge.

I must keep an eye on my seedlings: they need constant vigilance.

Monday, March 8, 2021


On the recommendation of my hairdresser (source of all information) I went for a snorkel at the Omeo Dive Wreck. It must be 10 years since I last snorkelled, so I was looking for somewhere safe, shallow and protected. I am not a good swimmer and have never learned to put my head under water. This was the perfect spot for a novice to practice:

The people in the foreground are standing in the water.
The others are snorkelling over the dark shadow of the wreck.

I swam out twice. The second time I questioned a group of women my age as to the best spot. They told me that more fish were to be seen on the other side of the wreck, and not to be afraid of swimming over it (even though it seems as if you might get snagged on the rusting metal). The water is less than 3 m. at this point. A lot of the fish were well camouflaged, sandy brown in colour, and sought to hide in the remains of the wreck if they sensed a snorkeller above them. I saw one huge fish that refused to come out, and quite a few striped yellow and black tropical fish. 

The stairs go down right into the water.
You have to leave your belongings at the top.

I have been watching quite a bit of Michael Palin on TV recently. I was interested to see that he celebrated his 75th birthday in North Korea. He is an intrepid traveller! So at 76, I’m delighted to still be able to snorkel. Another programme showed him in Kathmandu down by the cremation ghats, so I dug out an old photo from my trip to that very spot in around 1983:

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Arab Festival

There is always something going on in front of our block, on what was the old golf course. Today the strange music tempted me to go and investigate.

There were lots of food stalls and attractive girls dressed up to the nines in their muslim costumes. It was a hot afternoon. I felt a bit underdressed in shorts and t-shirt, but it was a better choice for the climate.

I went into a tent for Arabic coffee and dates.
I tried to sit elegantly, but didn't manage it!

This Saudi Arabian girl joined me.

She is doing a PhD in Oral Health Science at UWA, having already done a Masters in Sheffield. She has to go back and work for 3 years in Saudi because of her sponsorship. I admired her outfit and its beautiful embroidery.

Back view.

The clothes tent was a hit with the ladies.
There aren't many places selling these dresses in Perth.
One size seems to fit all.

Arabian perfumes.

Camel rides.

Malaysian take-away.

I used to eat this every Saturday when I lived in Singapore. It tasted just the same!

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Online shopping

This is a warning about online shopping from overseas sites. It may take a long time to reach you. Below is the tracking information from DHL regarding a shipment from the UK to Perth. It seems to have gone the long way round. Their excuse was severe snow storms in Europe. Or, could it have been that their planes were busy transporting vaccines?



  • 14:26 Local time  |  Delivered - Signed for by: MARAGRET B| BURSWOOD
  • 09:36 Local time  |  With delivery courier| PERTH - AUSTRALIA
  • 05:39 Local time  |  Arrived at Delivery Facility in PERTH - AUSTRALIA| PERTH - AUSTRALIA
  • 05:26 Local time  |  Departed Facility in PERTH - AUSTRALIA| PERTH - AUSTRALIA
  • 04:47 Local time  |  Processed at PERTH - AUSTRALIA| PERTH - AUSTRALIA



  • 01:49 Local time  |  Processed at PERTH - AUSTRALIA| PERTH - AUSTRALIA
  • 01:36 Local time  |  Clearance processing complete at PERTH - AUSTRALIA| PERTH - AUSTRALIA



  • 10:36 Local time  |  Shipment on hold| PERTH - AUSTRALIA
  • 10:30 Local time  |  Arrived at Sort Facility PERTH - AUSTRALIA| PERTH - AUSTRALIA



  • 07:55 Local time  |  Customs status updated| PERTH - AUSTRALIA



  • 18:37 Local time  |  Departed Facility in AMSTERDAM - NETHERLANDS, THE| AMSTERDAM - NETHERLANDS, THE
  • 06:28 Local time  |  Processed at AMSTERDAM - NETHERLANDS, THE| AMSTERDAM - NETHERLANDS, THE



  • 07:36 Local time  |  Customs status updated| PERTH - AUSTRALIA



  • 14:07 Local time  |  Shipment on hold| PERTH - AUSTRALIA
  • Arrived at Sort Facility PERTH - AUSTRALIA| PERTH - AUSTRALIA



  • 23:04 Local time  |  Customs status updated| PERTH - AUSTRALIA
  • 13:22 Local time  |  Departed Facility in AMSTERDAM - NETHERLANDS, THE| AMSTERDAM - NETHERLANDS, THE



  • 19:10 Local time  |  Customs status updated| PERTH - AUSTRALIA
  • 11:39 Local time  |  Departed Facility in AMSTERDAM - NETHERLANDS, THE| AMSTERDAM - NETHERLANDS, THE



  • 08:00 Local time  |  Processed at AMSTERDAM - NETHERLANDS, THE| AMSTERDAM - NETHERLANDS, THE



  • 13:03 Local time  |  Shipment on hold| AMSTERDAM - NETHERLANDS, THE
  • 08:16 Local time  |  Arrived at Sort Facility AMSTERDAM - NETHERLANDS, THE| AMSTERDAM - NETHERLANDS, THE
  • 01:03 Local time  |  Departed Facility in LEIPZIG - GERMANY| LEIPZIG - GERMANY



  • 21:51 Local time  |  Processed at LEIPZIG - GERMANY| LEIPZIG - GERMANY
  • 10:06 Local time  |  Shipment on hold| LEIPZIG - GERMANY
  • 04:38 Local time  |  Arrived at Sort Facility LEIPZIG - GERMANY| LEIPZIG - GERMANY



  • 21:01 Local time  |  Departed Facility in EAST MIDLANDS - UK| EAST MIDLANDS - UK
  • 21:00 Local time  |  Transferred through EAST MIDLANDS - UK| EAST MIDLANDS - UK
  • 16:57 Local time  |  Departed Facility in LONDON-HEATHROW - UK| LONDON-HEATHROW - UK
  • 05:06 Local time  |  Customs status updated| PERTH - AUSTRALIA



  • 22:17 Local time  |  Arrived at Sort Facility LONDON-HEATHROW - UK| LONDON-HEATHROW - UK
  • 21:51 Local time  |  Departed Facility in LONDON-HEATHROW - UK| LONDON-HEATHROW - UK
  • 21:26 Local time  |  Processed at LONDON-HEATHROW - UK| LONDON-HEATHROW - UK
  • 11:02 Local time  |  Shipper has generated a shipment label, but the shipment has not yet been handed over to DHL| GATWICK -