Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Astra Zeneca

Queuing outside the COVID vaccination clinic. 

Roll-out of vaccinations has ben slow in Australia. This week saw the start of Phase 1B, which meant that I was eligible. No chance of getting an appointment, I thought. Then I saw the Vic Park Respiratory Clinic pictured on the news on Monday night. I know this place, because I shop at Aldi, just opposite. I quickly got online and made a booking. Because it's a new clinic, there were lots of spaces. Most doctors' surgeries are still phone-only, so it would have been hopeless trying to get through this week.

They were calling in 4 people at a time and we all sat in a row waiting for the jab. I was first in line. There was a slight hiccup with the girl sitting next to me, when some of her injection sprayed outwards from the needle and landed on my arm. Did she get enough? Who knows? Did I receive an additional amount through the skin? All I can say is the side effects were not nice. We see politicians claiming they didn't feel a thing from the jab (which is true), but nobody speaks about the side effects. I felt very poorly for about 36 hours: headache and joint pain and generally under the weather. In the night I wondered if the cure was worse than the illness.

I feel better now, and have the second vaccination in 12 weeks to look forward to.


  1. Good to hear you're feeling better now Margaret. TGA has now approved CSL to manufacture AstraZenica so hopefully sooner everyone will have their jab. I am not looking forward to getting mine as yet, I don't what would be the side effect being Type 2 diabetic, then allergies with penicillin, aspirin and codeine.

  2. I have just had my first AZ vaccination today. They made me wait for half an hour afterwards to ensure there was no allergic reaction as I suffer from lots of various allergies.
    My husband had his a couple of weeks ago and apart from a sore arm the next day he had no side effects. I hope I shall be so lucky!

  3. Feeling better now after a very sluggish week!

  4. The unwellness hit me, too. I've made it through all the shots, and I'm so glad.
