Sunday, March 14, 2021

Pots of Fun

That's what they are called: Pots of Fun. Woollies latest promotion consists of tiny pots with a few seeds waiting to be germinated. Grow your own flowers and veggies! You receive one pot per $30 spent in the supermarket. I’m only growing the veggies as there is limited space on my balcony. These are my efforts so far:

Sage, lettuce, spinach, chives, onion, silverbeet 
waiting to be planted.




Two types of kale (purchased previously, not from seeds).
These were attacked by green caterpillars one night,
but I soon got rid of them with a murderous spray.

One problem is that these small pots dry out very quickly. One woman has invented a self watering system using empty plastic bottles:
Maybe more trouble than its worth?

Woolworths and Coles are in a constant state of competition. A couple of years ago, Coles had its most popular promotion: Little Shop. Tiny replicas of common products could be collected: things like Vegemite and VapoRub, for children to play at shops. I still have the replica Nescafe jar stuck to my fridge.

I must keep an eye on my seedlings: they need constant vigilance.


  1. Can you grow over the winter? Is that a good season?

  2. Lots of veggies grow better in winter. Our summers are too hot and dry, while winters are mild and sometimes wet.
