Thursday, August 12, 2021

Around Dalwallinu

Late yesterday afternoon I went into Tourist Information to check on the best places to see wildflowers. The lady was a mine of information and marked up my map in lots of sites. It wasn’t easy to decide which spots to visit. It had been a very cold, clear night when I emerged from my warm and cosy unit to use the “facilities” at 5.30 am. One man was already sitting outside drinking coffee! The day warmed up quickly though. It was perfect weather for exploring.

After enjoying my usual breakfast of muesli, yoghourt and banana brought from Perth, I set off south at 8.45 to go to Petrudor Rocks:

The top of the granite rock has many natural rock pools.

An array of sundews, which used to be made into red ink.

The sundews send up these sticky creepers.

A few pink everlastings.

Next on my list was Xantippe Water Tank on the Dalwallinu to Kalannie Road. This was designed to collect water draining off rocks and hopefully to supply Dalwallinu in the early days, but this never eventuated. There were lots of wildflowers round about it.

Brilliant white "pincushions".

The old water tank.

Xantippe is the only Australian place name starting with X.

Dalwallinu is known for wattles.
There are many different varieties.

Wattle close-up.

I returned to Dalwallinu to make lunch in my unit, then set off north to Wubin and beyond to see Jibberding Reserve which came highly recommended. There were large swathes of white and pink everlastings. These have jumped to the start of this post for some reason!

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