Sunday, August 15, 2021

Kalbarri N P

Another full day of sightseeing with a lot of ground covered. There are several sites in Kalbarri N P with long drives between them. Of course, the prime one now is the Skywalk, but more of that later. First stop was the Ross Graham lookout,  named after the first headmaster of Kalbarri Primary School:

Then onto another lookout, Hawks Head, with the Murchison Rivet down below:

Finally it was time to drive back to the highway and inland again to the Skywalk:

It was really windy today so I had to hold on tight to the rail and to my iPhone as I posed for a photo!

Inside the refreshment kiosk were some photos showing the construction in 2019: an amazing feat of engineering. Walking out to the end, it seemed impossible that such a thing could hold up without support. There were a few wildflowers around, but they didn’t receive much attention from visitors intent on the Skywalk:

The final step was Nature’s Window, the subject of many photos: not easy to get to as it entails scrambling over the sandstone rocks with no guard rail. Some people chickened out, but this is what I came to do!


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