Thursday, August 5, 2021


Every sunny day is precious just now. Cold mornings and blue skies mean a bushwalk somewhere. Today it was Walyunga National Park. The river was flowing as fast as I’ve ever seen it and the whitewater rapids resembled snow and ice shooting past.

This is part of the course for the Avon Descent later this month, when kayakers take life in their hands shooting these rapids on a two-day event. I had hoped to see some people practicing, but I suppose they are all at work on a Thursday. Part of the walk trail up to Syds Rapids was supposedly closed because it was flooded at one point, but nobody was taking any notice of the red and white tape across the track. I imagine it was a remnant of the storms two weeks ago. There were lots of trees down.

In the past I’ve done the entire black Echidna Trail with the bushwalking group. It is very strenuous with a stiff uphill climb away from the river. Today I was happy to simply walk along the river as far as Syds Rapids and back again.

For casualties in the Avon Descent

The track alongside the river

Tiny black bracket fungi on a log

Route of the Avon Descent

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