Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Pemberton to Denmark

We really enjoyed staying at Forest Lodge Pemberton. It is right in the middle of the forest, surrounded by tall trees, kangaroos and bird life.

We also saw a baby kangaroo desperately searching for its mother (video on Instagram).

We tried a selfie on a cold morning.

On a swing seat overlooking the lake.

Giant sequoia tree

It was a long and winding road through the forest towards Walpole, where we stopped for a picnic lunch near the Visitors Centre. There was a large carpark displaying prominent NO OVERNIGHT CAMPING signs. The town had experimented with free camping for four self-sufficient caravans, but the privilege had been withdrawn because it had been abused, they said.

After lunch Val wanted to visit the elderly parents of G, who is one of her son's friends. He runs daily boat tours around the inlet. They have 8 grandchildren and about 13 great grandchildren and own some interesting antique furniture brought out from England in about 1900.

Oak sideboard with interesting shell carvings.

Matching dining chair.

We need Antique Roadshow to give us more information. Val told me how they first met: she had come out from England to be a governess on a cattle station and he was working there as a roustabout. They fell in love ... and the rest is history!

Their house overlooks the inlet. It was a freezing cold afternoon with a strong wind off the water. I took a quick photo and jumped back in the car to warm up:

Choppy water in the inlet.

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