Thursday, November 4, 2021

Robbery in plain sight

My handbag was stolen this week. I was taking a shower at Beatty Park Swimming Pool. In 3 minutes my handbag was pinched, even though there were others in the changing room at the time.

When I went to the foyer to report the theft, the staff were all standing around looking outside. Apparently the police had already been called. An aboriginal couple had been shouting at one another and fighting over the booty. The management had called the police to break up the fracas! I saw the paddy wagon arrive and then set off in pursuit of the couple, who had escaped on foot down the road. Unfortunately, the police were than diverted to attend a more serious incident so they were able to get away.

The staff then started to watch the CCTV footage. There are many cameras around Beatty Park, but of course none in the changing rooms. I was allowed to watch the footage (even though legally the victim is not supposed to see it, in case they take the law into their own hands). I saw the woman going into the ladies changing room and the man into the mens. They came out very quickly, but the man was empty handed. The woman had a backpack and another bag. 

I was in a state of shock and couldn't think what to do or who to call. The staff helped me to cancel my credit card right away. My car keys were gone, as was my mobile phone. I couldn't remember anybody's phone number, as they are all on speed dial nowadays. Finally I spoke to my daughter, but she said she had gone to work on her electric bike and would take an hour to get to me. Finally her boss lent her his brand new Renault to come and rescue me. She had spare keys to the apartment so we had to drive there to find the spare car keys and then back to Beatty Park to retrieve the car - what a palaver!

Next day, the first thing I did was go to the Apple Store to buy a new phone. It took them 1.5 hours to transfer all the files from the iCloud onto the new one. Even so, I still have to re-enter a bunch of passwords. Then, amazingly, I received a call from my bank to say that my handbag had been handed in. When I went to get it, everything was there except the phone, and in addition there were car keys belonging to another victim from the changing room.

Now, on the Camino nobody leaves their valuables unattended. People place things in a waterproof bag and take this into the shower. Why didn't I do this at home? 

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