Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Christmas Rock

The plan for Sunday afternoon, and the final scheduled activity for the weekend, was an easy walk to Christmas Rock. Easy or not, but to someone who is definitely in the Spanish habit of taking a siesta, it was hard to get going. However, the weather was still fine, so I set off with a good grace.

There were several wildflowers we hadn’t seen before, some unique to the area:

Clown Orchid

Vanilla Orchid

Some of my photos could be sharper, I know, but I only carry an iPhone and it’s a bit hit and miss trying to focus on tiny flowers and not the background.

Particularly interesting to me, and a complete change of topic, was this unique way of gathering water. Christmas Rock itself covers a wide area. Local people realised that rainfall could be harvested, instead of allowing it to go to waste. They formed stone barriers at the edge of the rock and these led into channels. I wonder if JL knew about this; as a young civil engineer it was his job to find ways of installing a water supply to small regional towns.

This was a beautiful walk altogether. We then made our way back to the caravan park, just down the road, for a cup of tea or a beer. The park itself has lots of native plantings, including this hakea just outside our door:

Quandong and its fruit

Val's car at sunset outside our cabin

We had a great weekend: many thanks to Viv for all her organisation and to Chris and Robyn for checking out everything in advance. Let's do it again!

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