Friday, September 16, 2022


Friday was the day for a drive to the National Park to see the incredible gorges and the Skywalk. On the way we were distracted by all the wildflowers. We had to restrain ourselves from stopping every five minutes or we would never reach our destination:

The views were spectacular:

Time for a group photo!

There were models of all the local animals beside the paths:

The last one was a scary extinct creature:

These pics are from Nature’s Window:

A solitary Fringe Lily, rare in these parts but prolific in the Perth Hills.

We were quite tired when we got home. Fortunately we had booked a table at Finlay’s Restaurant for dinner. It has a reputation for the best seafood in town. The two Sue’s ordered a whole crayfish each, but I stuck to an old favourite of locally caught fish and chips:

The venue was outdoors. I am always cold, so I helped myself to one of the shawls provided by the management. I was so attached to it that I completely forgot I was wearing it, so it’s now a souvenir of a memorable evening at Finlay’s!

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