Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Way Home

As usual, I had a stopover in Geraldton. I had tried to book a room at the Ocean Centre Hotel, but was told it was fully booked. Instead I settled for a private room at the Geraldton Backpackers, just next door. This place was interesting: built in 1910 as a guest house. In those days there was no such thing as an en suite. Everyone went along the corridor to the shared bathroom and this is still the case today. I spoke to the manager as I left, because I had seen no actual backpackers. She said there had been none since COVID.

My room had a sea view and I spent a lot of time watching large container ships being turned round by tugs:

I enjoyed the warmth from the setting sun in the late afternoon. It was still cold and breezy outside.

View from my room next morning.

View from the communal bathroom.
My Prius is parked near the fence.

When I arrived back in Perth I was glad not to have anything more to do, since C cooked dinner. It was Shakshuka:

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