Saturday, January 7, 2023

Why did I start blogging?

I was on a Nats Club weekend trip, I think to Cheynes Beach near Albany. We were sharing a chalet with Glenda Larke and her sister. Every evening Glenda would sit arranging her photos to put on her blog. It later came to me that blogging is such a good way of recording your holidays, so I emailed Glenda to ask her to help me set up a blog. She replied that no help was needed: everything was available on the internet even for beginners like me. In any case, she said, she was far too busy to come up to Perth to advise me.

Now, Glenda Larke is a published author of fantasy novels. This is her website and blog:
I must admit that fantasy novels are not my cup of tea. I did buy one just to see what they were like, but didn’t get past the first 100 pages. The dedication in the book to her husband said that he didn’t read them either! But Glenda and I have something else in common. We both lived in Vienna for several years. She was there with her husband, who was a Malaysian diplomat. I was Librarian at VIS (Vienna International School) and her two daughters were students there. We didn't know each other at the time.

This week I had occasion to look at her blog. Last summer, when the temperatures were in the high 30’s, she published a photo of herself in snowy Vienna. This is a good idea that I’m going to copy:

Claire learning to ski.
Obertauern, Christmas 1984.

Me in Obertauern.

Me, Claire and her friend, Debbie.
Hinterstoder, March 1988.

My ski pass, to prove it!

Learning to ski at the age of 40 was not easy. I was not dare devil enough! I would stand at the top of the slope, wondering if I could get to the bottom in one piece. If I broke my leg, how could I drive to work? The two girls left me behind - but I did it!

So this is a big thank you to Glenda for starting me off with blogging. It has given me hours of pleasure, both writing and re-reading my efforts.  It enabled me to record all my Caminos. Ultreia!


  1. It's 16 years ago next month that I started my original blog, mainly for my Mother's benefit in what proved to be the last year of her life. I've often considered stopping, but more and more I find myself relying on the blog as a back-up to my failing memory, so the blogs go on, whether anyone reads them or not!

    (Mick agrees with you about learning to ski; he was 50 and it was a short-lived adventure (after a few years of snowboarding).)

  2. Failing memory is no joke! I also rely on my blog for the same reason. I wish I had started mine earlier as I had so many interesting travels that I could have written about: Morocco, Japan, Malaysia, working in Singapore etc etc...
