Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Onsen at Hakone

“Only the moon was missing” said Ruthe.

We were instructed to take off our clothes and put on a special kimono and slippers, and to take a small towel into the Onsen. We had to sit on a small stool and clean our bodies thoroughly. No bathing suits were allowed. The water was extremely hot. Everything was communal. you had to put your clothes in a wicker basket, and then into another room that had the little stools in front of the shower. At least, it was the ladies bathing area. In the water was too hot in the indoor area, so we went outside where the air temperature was quite cold. Steam was rising from the hot water. I would like to have taken a photo, but that was a no no. Ruthe has taught me how to do this blog with the microphone function! It’s much quicker!

At 6:30 pm, we went for dinner, all wearing our kimonos and a special short coat to go on top of it. 

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