Sunday, December 3, 2023

Albany Adventures

Saturday morning in Albany and the weekly Farmers Market is a must for fresh produce. We were up early to get there before the crowds, but everyone else had the same idea. Everything was top quality, but not cheap. I bought cherries, plums, apples, a sourdough loaf with jalapeƱos and a luscious almond croissant to share. I would have bought a big bag of macadamia nuts but it was a cash-only stall and I didn’t have any.

On the way back to Emu Point, we saw E and her friends walking into town (3kms!) and it was hot and humid. They should have investigated the local bus service, especially as they needed to buy all their food supplies and carry it home.

Our local beach is a long strip of white sand. Rocky loves to race along it and wears himself out. He is still on the alert for rabbits near our chalet. Apparently there is a sudden surge in the rabbit population:

24 rabbits were imported from England in the early days, to facilitate hunting by the landed gentry. They have been impossible to control ever since, as there are no natural predators here. A so-called rabbit proof fence was erected north/south to keep them out of WA, to no avail. 
E sent a pic of their fridge stocked up with food for six. C made friends with the tiny dog who lives next door to us.
Local gardeners have built their own mini rabbit proof fences round their garden beds.


  1. What a nuisance, the rabbits. Gardening over the rabbit fences must be quite difficult.

  2. Our greyhound would make short work of a few of them, but it would not be pleasant!
