Friday, December 29, 2023

Ayers Rock

When I saw the trip to Uluṟu advertised in the West Australian newspaper, it seemed like a great idea for New Year. Normally, it’s hard to get there from Perth but this was a special charter flight with 3 nights in the red centre.

We were a bit late setting off for our 10.30 am flight. The terminal was a little way away from the main Perth airport and we observed several FIFO planes arriving from mine sites up north.

The flight was fine till we approached our destination when there was a lot of turbulence, caused by currents of very hot air rising from the ground. It was 43 degrees down there! The pilot circled round both the rock and the Olgas to ensure everyone on both sides of the plane got a good view. One man threw up, it was so bumpy! I was glad to finally get there and exit the small plane.

Waiting for our flight

Flying over Uluṟu 

Our small plane getting loaded.

Nice big room at Sails in the Desert Hotel

View of the pool from the restaurant 

We made our way to the pool asap. We are not used to these temperatures!

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