Wednesday, April 4, 2018


More info at this website!

There had been heavy rain overnight, so I knew it would not be a good day for walking. The stream crossings would be nasty, and I've become a fine weather walker!

There was a taxi service that would take people to Caparra on the Camino: €27 one way (at which point you could continue walking on) or €40 there and back, with the taxi waiting for an hour - time to visit the ruins and the interpretive centre. No prizes for guessing which option I took!

The Caparra Arch is significant for pilgrims, as it appears on the logo and the official way markers for the Via de la Plata. It is a compulsory photo opportunity, but today was a poor day for it. The Arch is actually 4 arches joined together, pointing in 4 directions and originally marked the dead centre of the Roman town.

Excavation of the SE gate

Excavation of a Roman house

The house in relation to the Arch

Thermal bath area 

Excavations still in progress and covered in protective glass

Back at the Parador

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