Monday, April 9, 2018


No snow this morning in Salamanca, just the usual cold and damp (though heavy snow was falling in Hervas apparently). I left on the 10.15 am bus for Zamora which took an hour. I must say I was glad not to be walking as the way was flat and boring. I saw the odd pilgrim on the Camino which went along beside the road. 

I'm now at the Zamora Parador for 2 nights, since they are offering bargain rates for their Spring Getaway. No sign of Spring yet! This is another historic building in a lovely position overlooking the river and the bridge into town. Pilgrims come across the bridge, into the old town and then hang about waiting for the Albergue to open (after 2.30 pm today), as I could observe from my window.

I may have just seen enough cathedrals on this trip, but here are some photos of Zamora Cathedral and its collection of Flemish tapestries.

Detail of a tapestry which has 3 large panels:

The following tapestry depicts Christ opening his wounds, so that his blood pours into a wine press:

Inside the Romanesque Cathedral:

The design for this dome was much admired and copied in other cathedrals such as Salamanca and Plasencia.

Door from the cloister 

Silver gilt altarpiece


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